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If you had a magic wand, and I were to ask you how much progress you would like to make in the next couple of years, what would your answer be?

And the follow-up question to that is…

Are you on your way to THAT level of progress?



In scenario 1, you have a goal, and there are all these different unlimited ways on how to approach getting there, right?

The problem is, which one should you choose?

Scenario 1 is all about anxiety. If you don't know which thing you should do and you are overwhelmed with options, that will come with anxiety.


Scenario 2, you don't even know what to do to get there. You feel hopeless. It's not even about picking; you just don't know where to start. 

Anxiety is about the overwhelm of choices. Hopelessness is about the lack of choices.

Both lead to the same emotions: sadness/frustration.

And I've had my fair share of those emotions...

When you can't decide on what to do, it's the clearest case of a lack of something I want to get you very clear about...

Because if there is a gap between where you currently are and where you'd like to go, there's only one thing I know of that could get you there...


Strategy is a word that gets tossed around a lot... Yet, nobody really knows what it means...

They just know it's probably important, but in my opinion, it is THE MOST IMPORTANT.

A ‘strategy’ is often referred to as a sequence of action that a person goes through in order to achieve a certain outcomeBut.

Let me break it down for you what STRATEGY actually means, because it's really simple... It's all about prioritizing.

Figuring out priorities, that's all it is.

In layman's terms, it's about what's going to get us the most bang for the buck. How can we achieve the most with the least? How can we progress in the best way humanly possible?

Or if you want my fancy definition:
It's about how to choose to allocate resources that are limited against unlimited options.

That is what I mean by having...


The tough part, however, about strategy in general is…

Strategy is about choosing which one from all those options you could take is the one that will take you furthest the fastest.

Because the most costly thing about progress is not just the unknowns, but it's about the unknown unknowns… The things that you didn't even know you could choose from.

Because the counterintuitive secret of progress is that fundamentally progress is not about working harder than other people.

It's not like those who achieve the most are hyperactive.

They might choose to be, and trust me, there is always a time for doing more. I'm a big fan of brutal relentless effort, but basically, and more importantly, it's about getting more out of each step.

Strategy is not just about how to do more, it's about capturing the most from every unit of effort.

And the ones who achieve the most, either consciously or unconsciously, are using the right strategies.

When you have better priorities, when you allocate your resources of time, focus, and energy to doing the fewest moves that get you the most for the least, you make the most progress. Simple as that.

So the equation for success is: Volume X Leverage = Results.

Leverage = Strategy.

The more you do something X the better the strategy = The more you get out of it.

Now if you're lazy…

Guess what, you better have a lot of leverage to make up for the volume.

Yet, if you're a hard worker putting in the hours, but have no leverage… you're not better off.

And if your progress is not growing as fast as you want it to… the truth is you are working simply on the wrong stuff.

It means you haven't properly identified the priorities...

It means your strategy is lacking and you need to change it to something that's actually working. 


Now, one of the first questions you might ask is what's the difference between the book and the masterclass-training? Why is there even a masterclass-training? Aren't all questions answered within the book?

And the answer again is simple...

The problem with books is that they have to be written in a way so that they are relevant to a mass audience. It has to be relevant to people from very different ages to backgrounds to skill.

The advice has to be somewhat broad, but the quote is true that the devil is in the details… 

The book is and always will be the beginning of this system that anyone can use to further their skills, since it answers 2 of the most common issue's in practice, that of "progress" and "consistency". 

And I've shared two of my most important strategies when it comes to handling those...

However, the real difference is while the book is aimed towards anyone who wishes to fasten their progress in their skill or hobby, the masterclass-training is specifically aimed towards PROFESSIONALS or those who aspire to become one.

It's meant for people who want to dive as deep as possible into all the different ways of taking things to the next level, since for them it's well worth the effort to do so...

It's for people, who's skill is more than just a hobby.

Having these 2 levels separated gave me the opportunity to serve and create a way to make this system available to anyone without those ambitions...

The book's main goal is to first of all get you un-stuck and back on the road towards progress and consistency... 

However, the masterclass-training is something that goes way deeper and beyond the scope of the book.

You see...

Using the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle, the “Natural's Method” and the "90% Consistency Rule" are only 2 single shifts and strategies almost like being puzzle pieces out of more than 21 I've created along the years...

And since there's no way to put as much value and content within the limits of that single format, the masterclass-training gives me the option to teach much deeper in a way where I'm able to keep adding further value potentially for the rest of my life...

There's much more tactics and there's so many strategies I could share from the years of observing Naturals and it would be impossible for me to show you everything needed in just one single book.

Because what most people have is something that I would call “Hope Progress”.

Most people have no proven rinse and repeat way to progress for their entire practice. 

They attempt "random acts of progress" trying out something here or there but nothing ever really seems to work predictably.

And what they experience is that they get one or two of the things they practice further one month and then nothing the next... and their progress is on this roller coaster.

And while the book eliminates some of that sadness and frustration, there is so much more that could be done...

That’s why having a mentor makes such a difference. They can analyze your situation from their perspective with a vast amount of resources of experience, they will be able to pinpoint exactly what you need to do or what you need to stop doing that’s wrong. 

While if you’re trying to figure it out for yourself it most probably will take you months if not years of failing and bumping your head against the wall until arriving to the solution if at all. 

Life in itself as practice can be viewed as a near infinite sequence of actions. Each person will have one or more sequences that they normally go through to perform any task and they tend to follow these patterns regularly...

And there is a reason why they do so.

At some stage every single person when they were young these patterns emerged as coping mechanisms and since they worked at the time they were reinforced by repeated use.

People tend to keep doing what works...

Yet, what if the very thing that started out as working starts to work less and less. That's what the book was meant to show.

Strategies matter.

Everything begins with the elements that make up a strategy; since they are the basic building blocks of everything you will ever do.

Genius and “talent” is based in part on applying a highly effective strategy consciously or unconsciously and in part on the ability to perform that strategy well.

And if you're someone who really wants to DIVE DEEP into what creates progress.

Someone who is really serious about their skill and wants a proven way to develop their skills further
, you might be wondering how you can implement ALL the tactics and strategies as quickly, easily and as fast as possible.

And the fastest way to get started is the training program and the system I've created out of those strategies collected that went through a refinement of more than a decade, called...


The “Practice Blueprint Masterclass” provides a set of strategies to help a practitioner of any skill get better outcomes, helping to understand why they seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over again and install a set of actions that can break the pattern, installing a new strategy.

A system, covering the solution to every single issue that's blocking your progress and your success as a professional.

A training that was created by capturing, encoding, replicating the behavior of Naturals and transfers their knowledge and experience.

Since, if the talent and skill can be captured and decoded into specific steps then the skill is also transferrable...

And I truly believe you can architect your "perfect practice" based on the strategies inside "The Practice Blueprint" and if you simply apply only a fraction of what I give you, I promise you’ll see even greater results than you've ever gotten from the book... 

[Module #1]


  • The "90% CONSISTENCY RULE" Revisited:
    Understanding the significance of the "90% Consistency Rule" and its impact on skill mastery.

  • Reminder of the "2 Step Forward 1 Step Back Method" and why going over your limits the right way is the secret that keeps your "routines" safe. (Covered inside the book)

  • Why practicing always the same or practicing always something new won't work & the hidden combination that will crack the code to progress.

  • Why trusting your emotions about the right time to start a new drill might be one of the biggest blocks to progress and what you should do instead.

  • What's the right amount of difficulty you should aim for & how to get into the "Flow" state the fastest way possible... Also learn how practicing hard can become much easier than going easy on yourself.


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    [Module #2]


  • How To Maximize Your Potential In The "Warm Up Phase", in the shortest time possible so you can save yourself tremendous quality energy... It's THE ONE technique that makes "Progress Hacking" really work.

  • The One Major Difference from how Natural's measure their results from Non-Natural's and how to change yours.


    Yes! I Would Like To Book a Call to Apply!

    [Module #3]



  • Learn everything you need to know about the process of choosing your next move & how to distinguish "Qualitative Skills" that make you progress further from "Quantitative Skills", that slows your progress down...

  • Learn the "Execution Filter" & "Testing Phase" technique and discover how just 1 hour of testing can save you thousands in the long run.


    Yes! I Would Like To Book a Call to Apply!

    [Module #4]



  • Learn why limiting your options will make you achieve a lot more and why having an unlimited amount of options distracts us from what we truly could achieve.

  • How to let go of the "Limiting Chain" and set a goal that you initially thought was beyond your possibilities, but is actually very possible.

  • The one shortcut every pro uses to get ahead - knowing the difference between "Variety & Difficulty" based drills!


    Yes! I Would Like To Book a Call to Apply!

    [Module #5]



  • Learn how top athletes who are training alone, monitor their progress, using specific sport psychology tactics & strategies.

  • The difference between "Instant & Delayed Feedback" & why if you fail to utilize either of them the right way, you are actually practicing getting worse.

  • What I did to learn all of this & how you can do the same... Using it to master any skill. (Saving the BEST for last)


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    The "Practice Blueprint Masterclass" is already a comprehensive training program complete within itself, undoubtedly saving you years, if not decades, of frustration.

    A training program that actually works...

    But there's more to practice and performance than meets the eye, since practice represents just one facet of the equation; so what about PERFORMANCE and MINDSET?

    Consider stage fright, controlling pre-competition anxiety, honing your focus, and self-motivation – all crucial aspects to mastering performance.

    As a professional performer with over 20 years of experience, I've had to navigate numerous high-pressure situations, where I needed to perform everything I've practiced for.

    And what I intend to offer you is covering the solution in a way I've never seen covered anywhere else... but I can't do it with everyone. Since this system creates far more of an advantage than anything else I've ever shared before.

    This PERFORMER BLUEPRINT ACCELERATOR training will be entirely focused on rewiring your brain for success, fostering a profound shift in your habits, identity, attitude, and perspective, enabling you to perceive your performance and yourself in a new light.

    Often along my journey I've assisted individuals in identifying areas within their performance where they've been holding themselves back or struggling with negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs as did I.

    I will show you how to confront your "dark side," break free from a negative self-image and all the behaviors and habits that stifle your success.

    You'll learn to transcend the illusion of your "current self" and evolve into a new person with a self-image capable of achieving success with ease and I really believe this will affect you way beyond practice since it was able to change my life and keeps helping me move further and further every single day.

    We'll explore how to design not only your ultimate skill level and reverse engineer it into daily actionable steps, but help you get the life you actually want, making your goals crystal clear and more importantly achievable.

    You'll receive the blueprint on how to "Identity Shift" and access the method I've personally used for autosuggestion, facilitating profound changes within my psyche that helped me reach everything I ever wanted from my skill, methods that are still a secret to this day.

    I've never shared this system publicly and it costed me a lifetime to refine and accumulate. It's an advantage like no other and it can only stay an advantage until access is limited.

    It will guide you in conquering fear, anxiety, and self-doubt, common obstacles that often paralyze practitioners, hindering them from taking consistent action and performing on their highest level, especially in high pressure situations like competitions and performance.

    And in all honesty, most individuals never truly master their mindset over their lifetime...

    However, I'm committed to rewiring, hacking, and teaching you how to re-program your mind as fast as humanly possible so you can feel a profound change already within the first few weeks of applying these techniques, empowering you to take decisive action and achieve the results you truly desire...



    Now, I would really hate for you to loose out on this. So here’s my offer…

    Go through the training… try it all out and if for some reason you decide it’s not for you and you want a refund, no problem.

    You’re completely protected by my 3 Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

    Just send me an email to [email protected] and I will refund you no questions asked.

    It’s really as simple as that.

    No hassle, no hard feelings, but I don’t want you to make the mistake of not taking a chance when it comes to this training.

    What’s the worst that could happen? All investments have risks… except this one.

    The worst that can happen is you get to learn about a formula and experience a new paradigm that was under work for more than a decade...

    Actually that’s the worst that can happen.

    Or let’s say the training does not perform for you as well as I’m promising… in other words, let’s be “realistic” about it and it only accelerates your progress about to an extra hour of time per day.

    Meaning you reach your goals only an hour faster in your practice as you would have without the training.

    Would it be safe to say that you will practice for the long-term?

    Long-term meaning… Will you still be practicing a month from now, 2 months, 3 months?

    What if you would apply these strategies one year, 5 or 10 years from now... What would be the result of that?

    What would be the benefit you receive as a result from investing into your practice training? How will you feel about achieving a lot more? What will it mean to you mentally? What if you don't?

    If you think about where you wanted to be 6 months ago...

    Are you further ahead or not as far as you would like to be? If you would keep up the same pace, how long would it take to get you to your goals at the rate you're going now?

    …Especially when you’re already working at a maximum capacity.

    As you can calculate yourself it’s not really hard to get a return on this investment, even if you only get an extra hour per day of time back.

    For the value I’m giving and the guarantee behind it I know it’s a crazy offer, but I want everyone to experience the increase in success, productivity, and freedom that comes from learning how to control their progress.

    And now you can do it for a price that’s not only affordable… but also risk-free. Because the true risk is to not even try...


    Because if you don't have a blueprint in fact you're almost as if trying to solve this maze... and you probably gonna make a lot of mistakes, bad turns with costly trial and error. And waste a lot of your time, while being frustrated...

    And what's worse is that you may not EVER finish it at all... and might possibly quit before the end.


    WITHOUT the correct blueprint and support I truly believe, it could take years or a lifetime if at all...
    Maybe it already has been years and you still don't have the results you want because you don't have a "BLUEPRINT" to follow to grow your progress and skill.

    WITH the correct blueprint it will save you YEARS of wasted time and lots of wasted effort and costly mistakes. And you won't have to to figure it out on your own. With the correct guidance you could achieve your 1-2 year goals in the next 3-6 months.

    Instead wasting hours without end, what if you would have a proven blueprint on how to succeed in practice and accelerate your progress within a system that you can follow, step-by-step.

    Where I can teach you everything you need to know to succeed and get the results you not only desire but deserve for your effort.

    That's what The Practice Blueprint & The Performer Blueprint is meant to achieve, but I would like to REPEAT that this would require you to be more than just a "hobbyist".

    The reason you can't find instant access to my next level training materials is to make sure it's the right fit for the right people and if it's not, frankly I don't want you to get in, but creating this distinction is what the book was meant to achieve...

    And if what you learned so far made not only sense but you feel it really helped you in some meaningful way, then I truly believe if you want to take it to the next level and if that is your aim...

    If you truly want to discover your full potential...

    Then the single most beneficial thing you could learn, that gives you the most leverage for your future, is learning the exact process to master your skill and doing it in the most efficient way (humanly) possible.

    But, don't take it from me...



    Testimonial By Milla

    Ballroom & Latin Dancer


    Testimonial By Kurt

    Martial Artist, 7th Degree Black Belt in Kajukenbo  & Jiu-Jitsu Practitioner


    Testimonial By Kasia

    Ice Skater & Professional Artist

    "We employ these strategies through an enormous number of fundamentals that we coach and train it applies to every skill-set"

    .Review By Brandon Birchak

    NCAA National Champion, Coach & C.E.O. of 6 Foot Creations


    This Breakthrough Method Has Been Applied For The Most Diverse Set Of Skills, Including: Acrobatics, Tennis, Hand Balancing, Golf, Basketball, Dancing, Playing Instruments, Climbing, and many more and your competitors have already started using the advice I’ve laid out to huge success

    Over the years I've talked to many people about practice, among who professional circus teachers, yet none gave me this kind of epiphany. This system has influenced the way I train since I finished reading the first chapter of the book, and I am convinced it will contribute to my growth as a performer.

    Daniel Simu

    I'm a Guinness World Record Holder and Laido's system of training is something I wish I'd followed when I was starting out. 

    David Cain

    I believe at this time there is no other system like this one that is so in detail about the art of practicing a skill. Especially from someone who not only researched it, but himself has done it. This is not only for beginners, advanced practitioners can also learn a great deal about how to maximize the time spent practicing and getting more organized within their training.

    Domi Török

    Whatever you practice, or if you are serious about any kind of skill, this is going to be useful to you. If you are a beginner this will help. If you are a veteran artist like me and feel you have no chance at keeping up with all those young kids, give this a try! It completely changed the way I practice and saw results on the first day! Thanks again Laido I wish I would have had this 10 years ago! 

    Mick Lunzer

    I found my progress becoming significantly faster and more constant. I can only recommend it to anyone practicing a skill!

    Maximilian Kuschmierz

    I hope this system never becomes too known. If a lot of people would start using the information inside it, there would be a lot more insanely skilled competitors to battle. This is just a joke of course, but on a serious note.... This training should be No. #1 for any person who is looking to work on their skills. It has helped me progress tremendously, thanks to you Laido!

    Egor Smirnov


    I want to make something ABUNDANTLY clear.

    I’ve thought a lot about how to make this thing powerful for you as much as possible and partly it’s one of the reasons why I went towards creating a mentorship program instead a live workshop.

    And I actually came up with something...

    Now please IMAGINE for a moment that I would have taken this course and made it into a live training workshop. (Which I've done before).

    The amount of material inside converted to about 10 hours of listening to me... Given that I would tell you everything word for word without hesitation.

    What would you say how much would you get out of that in terms of valuable information?

    Actually there’s a statistic on that.

    Statistics say that we only get about 70% of the information saved within our memory from what we hear for the first time, by actively listening. That means without multitasking like taking notes.

    This statistic drops to about 50% if we have to take notes on the subject we are listening to. Notes that could only have a fraction of the information I provide through my live mumbling...

    To be honest there’s no way I could give you a perfect word for word copy of 10 hours material live, I could do a 2 hour talk for a day, which made my workshops often 5 days long on average.

    So if you ask why did I create a coaching program instead a live workshop?

    The reason is…

    The price/quality factor I could provide.

    You probably would agree with me that just a basic coaching session without any specialized or even "rare" knowledge goes for about 100$/hour.

    If we would take that and really count it out we would get some crazy numbers adding up that is not only expensive but ineffective for many reasons. Again, I know because I’ve done it...

    Let’s say you would like to learn the method I'm offering that I guarantee you won't be able to find anywhere else in the world... since ALL my material is original.

    Here’s what I could tell you:

    “Hey, just attend my live workshop for 5 days/2 hours a day... for 3000$" which is actually my current price for live coaching.

    You would have to attend every weekday for 2 hours and take notes in your workbook but if you would like to ask me questions of course you can do that, but only once after each workshop session… given the amount of people there."

    Doesn’t sound that compelling does it?

    What if instead offering you my live workshop I could give you the exact training process you would need to follow in your own convenience...

    A training broken up into individual pieces walking you through all the different steps you must take to build up your practice the right way. 

    Being able to even look back the material in form of pre-prepared video’s, with the diagrams already drawn explaining it in a condensed carefully crafted package and giving you the exact process as clearly as possible for the fraction of that price.

    Refining the ideas so you can get everything I’ve learned through the years in just minutes.

    Not only that, but even adding additional training material and access to further trainings without additional cost...

    You will find that just the ability to look back and review the material as often as you would like at your own pace would not only be enormously comfortable, but make it a lot more valuable than any traditional “Live workshop” I could ever provide...

    Not to mention the ability to message me personally for any questions that might come up for you personally.

    I believe you understand why this is the best I could possibly provide you with the least friction while giving you everything I possibly can.

    I wanted to find another way to serve more people at a larger scale, not only to expand my influence but also in order to make it better for a couple of reasons...

    First of all whatever you learn in a training session will take time to not only implement, but to think it through deeply, experience it and take it to the next level of experience.

    Usually questions arise throughout the process which you can’t ask because the “workshop” or “coaching” whether personalized or not is simply already over. There’s no chance for follow up without another “session”.

    Besides that... it takes time until you get to the right questions.

    That would either need a constant training process which would have to occur with constant coaching (TOO EXPENSIVE) or you would have to wait with your questions till the next time you get the chance to enroll into a training… (NOT EFFECTIVE).

    So what’s the alternative...


    Besides having access to me, you’ll be able to meet with fellow practitioners, be inspired by the results of others, and get additional questions answered outside our Q&A sessions.

    "The Practice Blueprint" community is an opportunity to learn from, support, and collaborate with other practitioners from around the world. These relationships you make could potentially turn into a lifetime of collaborations, partnerships and learning.


    In most implementation programs you get kicked out after their predetermined, arbitrary execution date. Not with me. Once I help you build your practice structure as we continue to learn and go way deeper than what you could imagine right now, I want you to be part of an impact-driven community for life.

    Keep in mind… you get access to my training and support group for a LIFETIME.



    If you want to PROGRESS, then you have to have the right knowledge, resources, mentorship and most important of all experience...

    Experience only comes from making mistakes, learning from failures and having success wins...

    And all this comes with time.

    It's usually not something you can speed up, short-cut, force, or buy. You have to go through with it all through years of failing…

    Unless, you learn from someone who's already done it.

    Every single day - I get a ton of messages from people asking for help...

    The questions vary, but the theme is the same and that theme is what they're doing just isn't working - and they're looking for a better way.

    "The Art of Practice" book was a great start...

    But for some, it's not enough - they want more...

    They want me to personally mentor them.

    But they aren't sure if what I offer is actually right for their skill...

    And that's where the breakthrough session comes in.

    I'm offering a chance to talk to me or one of my team members to see where you are at in your journey and if we can help.

    It's a 100% free call that will help you uncover where you need help the most and if we are the right fit for each other... we will offer you to become part of the program.

    If not I won't take you in. 

    As I've said earlier the reason you can't find instant access to my next level training materials is to make sure it's the right fit for the right people. If it is you should be inside and you will know you should get on a call so I can help you move forward in the right direction by doing the right thing, at the right time.

    The more we're able to align the underlying principles of Naturals, not only externally but internally the more progress you can generate and generally everything else takes care of itself.

    The catch is, you have to do it right...

    So let me ask you, how much progress do you want?

    How much faster do you want to get there?

    If you think about where you wanted to be 6 months ago...

    Are you further ahead or not as far as you would like to be?

    If you would keep up the same pace, how long would it take to get you to your goals at the rate you're going now?

    The main reason we practice is to get better at what we do and every single choice we make in our life will leave either towards or away from that goal.

    So let’s do some hypothetical practice math...

    What if you could get faster progress for just 1 hour per day?

    Well, that means that for every month you DON'T have that accelerated progress, it's costing you 30 HOURS PER MONTH worth of progress.

    Add another hour, then it's costing you more than 60 HOURS PER MONTH worth of progress.


    A lot of you who are practicing a lot more hours, it costs you even more…

    Can you understand what I truly mean by priorities and the power of strategy?

    Remember, once you adjust not only your practice externally but internally for progress, you get that progress EVERY YEAR.

    This isn't just a one-time thing.

    What would happen if you get that extra progress for the next 5 years? What would be the result of that?

    Take that yearly number of 720 hours and multiply it by 5.

    That's 3600 hours over the next 5 years.

    And for some of you those practice hours might be even more...

    It's safe to say that I've practiced approximately and on average 8 hours per day. Which x 30 = 240 per month x 12 = 2880 per year x 5 = 14,400 over 5 years, which equals to 28,800 hours of accelerated progress over a decade…

    In real time I've practiced over 20,000 hours throughout my lifetime and gained advantage with every single hour over my competitors...

    From my viewpoint, my ability to compete with, and even surpass, individuals who have been honing their skills since the age of 6 wasn't the result of a miracle. It wasn't a stroke of luck that I outperformed them in their own game. It was the result of systematized processes...

    It was the power of leverage through... STRATEGY.


    If you believe this is right for you... And only if you believe this is right for you you can secure your spot by simply clicking the button below and complete your application form so we can see if this is actually right for you.

    As soon as your application is complete, you will be able to schedule a call with me or someone from my team who knows my program inside and out and will be able to accurately assess your application to help you.

    And If we believe it's the right fir for you, we will let you know once we assessed your application and tell you straight.

    That being said,


    As you can imagine, given the value of this call and the limited capacity within my mentorship program, I can't accommodate an unlimited number of students.

    Since there’s a large demand, I periodically have to cut back on people entering so I can give everyone quality attention and support.

    There's a limited number of people I can work with within a year, and I periodically close access while opening up a waiting list for future students.


    So with that said, know that the window of opportunity isn’t open for long. That's why if you feel like this is right for you and you can still apply for a call, then this is the time…

    The choice...

    It's yours to make.

    I hope to see you on the other side...

    To your success, your friend,



    What's the coaching format?

    The Practice Blueprint Masterclass is a private mentorship program with a pre-prepared video training and additional support delivered inside a private membership.

    How long do I get access to the material?

    For life.

    When does the training start?

    The training starts the day you enroll. You’ll be able to access the training area with your login and password and you can begin watching your “Orientation & Introduction video” within minutes.

    How can I message you with questions?

    You get direct access to me. Keep in mind that you should go through the entire program before starting to ask questions, since most of the program is designed to give all the answers beforehand.

    Anything else I need to know?

    Currently access is limited, if the spots are full, you won't be able to register, but you can be added to the "waiting list" and get informed if enrollment is open again. The waiting list works on a first-come-first-served basis.




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    © 2024 Official Site | LAIDO DITTMAR.